Rcket Apps

About Rocket Apps

Hi! I'm glad you stopped by.

While many believe that Rocket Apps is some big faceless corporate entity, the truth is it's all the hard work of a one-man-army. My friends call me Mike, feel free to do the same.

Some of you may remember a product called Task Rocket when it first launched in 2010 as a stand-alone theme for WordPress. But when I eventually created several more products that went beyond just servicing Task Rocket, I decided the business needed a moniker that better reflected the diverse range of software applications, hence the name Rocket Apps was born.

I've been a web professional for 25 years with the past 12 almost exclusively focused on creating custom WordPress solutions and plugins, consequently working extensively with PHP and JavaScript.

Furthering my geek cred, I've also contributed my spare time and expertise as an official judge for the Australian Web Awards (2011 - 2017), built some free WordPress plugins, and I'm an official ambassador for Gitkraken.

Outside of Rocket Apps

Michael and Family

I'm a big believer in family first, and so when I'm not taking care of Rocket Apps business all my energy goes into spending time with my wife, our two daughters, three cats and a dog at our home in Perth, Western Australia.

Every dollar I make from Rocket Apps goes directly into funding my own medical needs (I was diagnosed with an incurable chronic illness about 12 years ago), and also back into Rocket Apps to keep it running.

I'm generally a private person, which makes the publication of this page a big deal for me. But at the same time I understand that as a potential customer you might want to know who you would be doing business with, and that's cool.

How to contact me

Simply send an enquiry, business or personal.

Have a great day!

Support Hours

Please note that support hours are Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm AWST. Urgent issues may get a response on weekends.

Current AWST time:

Tue 22nd October 11:21amExpect Typical Response Time
