
An elegant, feature-packed and user-friendly project management theme on WordPress, offering both beauty and functionality.

The settings interface of the wProject plugin for WordPress

Minimum requirements

Using the official WordPress minimum WordPress requirements is always recommended, but wProject is only supported on PHP 8.0 and higher (PHP 7 has long since reached end-of-life status).

Permalinks in WordPress settings need to be set as Post name. Activating wProject should do this automatically, but if not you’ll just need to manually change it in Settings -> Permalinks.

Important: wProject is a theme (not a plugin) and absolutely must be installed on a fresh instance of the latest version of WordPress. It will not integrate with your existing website or multi-site setup. It is a stand-alone theme and needs to be used as intended.

How do I enable the wProject theme?

After you’ve installed WordPress and uploaded wProject, login to admin, click on Appearance, select the wProject theme and click Activate.

Where can I find tutorials to use wProject?

The FAQ has all the answers you might need.

Are there plugins for wProject?

Absolutely. View them here.

Is the plugin price a one-time payment or an annual subscription?

The choice is yours.

Twelve months after your initial purchase you will have the option to renew your support license, but it’s not mandatory.

Should you decide not to renew your support license, your product will continue to function without any limitations. However, it won’t receive updates or be eligible for support until you renew.


v5.8.1 (12th August 2024)

  • Fix: Issue where new Project Manager might not be able to update account page.
  • Fix: Edge case condition where PM could only see own tasks in the Kanban.

v5.8.0 (12th June 2024)

  • Improvement: Performance boost.
  • Improvement: Security improvements.
  • Improvement: Missed time field now auto populates with the current date.
  • Improvement: Project page shows percentage complete in page title.
  • Improvement: Recording time in progress is now indicated in the time table (task page).
  • Improvement: Projects can now be deleted from the ‘Projects’ page.
  • Fix: Issue where you could enter missed time into non-mandatory fields, resulting in a critical failure.
  • Fix: Minor dark mode fixes.
  • Fix: Issue where updating a task status on a project page did not update the percentage indicator.
  • Fix: Issue where deleting a task from the dashboard would not update the view state.
  • Fix: Issue where admin dashboard was occasionally not initially visible.
  • Fix: Issue where date time in dashboard sidebar would disappear when tips were disabled.
  • Maintenance: General maintenance.

v5.7.2 (27th April 2024)

  • Fix: Potential XSS exploit in search.
  • Fix: Single quote character rendering in email notifications.

v5.7.1 (26th April 2024)

  1. Fix: Issue where subtasks could show error on certain hosting environments.

v5.7.0 (17th April 2024)

  1. Fix: Issue where dashboard filter shows when filter cookie is not set.
  2. Fix: Potential issue when reporting system RAM on PHP8.
  3. Feature: New account setting for PMs and Admins: Automatically open the Kanban board on project view.
  4. Maintenance: General maintenance for PHP8 compatibility.

v5.6.0 (21st November 2023)

  1. Improvement: The ‘Latest Activity’ now only shows on the dashboard when you enable it on your account settings.
  2. Improvement: The selected filter is now remembered on the front-end.
  3. Improvement: Login now always redirects to the front-end.
  4. Fix: Issue where ‘My Latest Tasks’ items would all show when clicking the notification bell icon.

v5.5.0 (16th November 2023)

  1. Improvement: ‘My latest tasks’ filter tasks on the dashboard.
  2. Improvement: Increased the ‘Recent tasks’ are considered’ option values.

v5.4.0 (16th October 2023)

  1. Improvement: New notification setting: Notify project manager when all subtasks on a task are complete.
  2. Improvement: Project managers and administrators can now delete all completed tasks in a project from the front-end.
  3. Improvement: ‘Your Status’ in account page is now a text input field.
  4. Fix: Issue where editing a task with a file attachment would duplicate the file after each edit.
  5. Fix: Missing web page field when editing a project in the back-end.

v5.3.0 (27th September 2023)

  1. Improvement: New setting to allow additional information fields on subtasks.

v5.2.0 (5th July 2023)

  1. Improvement: New setting to bypass Google CDN (helpful when Google is blocked in your country).
  2. Improvement: General maintenance.
  3. Fix: Presentation issue with new progress bar in dark mode.

v5.1.1 (27th June 2023)

  • Fix: Pep talk logic bug.

v5.1.0 (9th June 2023)

  1. Improvement: Added web page field to project and tasks.
  2. Fix: Issue where language button label could not be read on login screen.

v5.0.2 (24th May 2023)

  1. Improvement: General maintenance.

v5.0.1 (22nd May 2023)

  1. Fix: Issue where setting to inherit ‘unchanged’ task owner when using a task group was not working.
  2. Fix Replaced missing icons.

v5.0.0 (19th May 2023)

  1. Improvement: Complete revamp of the project manager dashboard chart.
  2. Improvement: Added task owner name to task relationships.
  3. Improvement: Added ability to filter comments by the commenter name.
  4. Improvement: Added ‘In Progress’ indicator to the main progress bar on project pages.
  5. Improvement: Added comment toolbar for inserting HTML tags.
  6. Improvement: New option to allow deleting projects from the backend.
  7. Improvement: New option to hide task descriptions when printing a project.
  8. Improvement: New maintenance option to purge all notifications.
  9. Improvement: Navigation now shows thumbs-up icon if all project tasks are complete, and a tick icon if the project status is ‘complete’.
  10. Improvement: URLs in project descriptions are now automatically converted to clickable links.
  11. Improvement: Latest Activity section moved into the mid section (previously in right sidebar).
  12. Improvement: Help sidebar tweaks.
  13. Improvement: General UI and UX improvements.
  14. Fix: Issue where milestone and privacy options would not get saved.
  15. Fix: Issue that would prevent deleting comments from the front-end.
  16. Fix: Issue where long project descriptions would move the close button off-screen and inability to drag the scroll bar.

v4.9.1 (5th May 2023)

  1. Fix Issue that would cause theme settings interface to be unavailable on Nginx hosts.

v4.9.0 (28th April 2023)

  1. Improvement: wProject admin home page now advises if an update is available.
  2. Improvement: Filter view URLs.
  3. Improvement: Added conditional mod_rewrite() function test to the Health Check interface.
  4. Improvement: Added ‘Clean Slate’ function test to the Health Check interface.
  5. Improvement: Project managers (and administrators) can now archive a project from the project page.
  6. Improvement: Time tracking UI edits.
  7. Improvement: Several minor mobile device UI issues resolved.
  8. Improvement: The comment time now appears next to the date in the recent comments list.
  9. Improvement: The notification time now appears next to the date in the notifications list.
  10. Change: “Time” in filter selection is now called “Recording time”.
  11. Change: Improved onboarding language.
  12. Tweak: Removed Zip archive class check from the Health Check admin interface.
  13. Tweak: Added time recording indicator on other tasks when time is recording.
  14. Fix: Replaced deprecated get_page_by_title() function.
  15. Fix: Issue where long words in comments would break the containing element instead of wrapping.

v4.8.1 (18th April 2023)

  • Improvement: wProject admin home page now advises if an update is available.
  • Tweak: Removed Zip archive class check from the Health Check admin interface.

v4.8.0 (16th April 2023)

  • Feature: Download all task attachments in a single click.
  • Feature: Dedicated milestones tab on project pages.
  • Improvement: Highlighted tasks now act like traditional pinned items (pinned tasks appear at the top of the list).
  • Improvement: Task page sections are now initially presented in a single view, and can still be filtered with tabs.
  • Presentation improvements.

v4.7.0 (14th April 2023)

  1. Feature: Project information pane now lists milestones with relevant progress.
  2. Improvement: Projects navigation now indicates when a project has all tasks completed.
  3. Improvement: Header row is now sticky when scrolling on project pages.
  4. Feature: Added support for Clients Pro 1.4.0.
  5. Fix: Minor presentation issue with responsive view on team bio pages.
  6. Fix: Issue where client role could disable comments.
  7. Fix: Issue where adding project to calendar would include the wrong URL.
  8. Fix: Printing issue on project pages.

v4.6.2 (14th April 2023)

  1. Fix: Issue preventing the ability to create tasks and projects.

v4.6.1 (30th March 2023)

  1. Fix: Issue where task / project start dates picked could be later than task end date.

v4.6.0 (29th March 2023)

  1. New feature: Specify a default Project Manager, who will inherit the projects of a deleted project manager.
  2. New feature: Enable or disable task comments on the front-end.
  3. Added support for new Comment Mention Pro addon.
  4. Fix: Issue where Pep Talk would show in project status area.
  5. Fix: Issue where Project Manager could make project start date later than project end date.
  6. Fix: Issue where task start date could be later than task end date.
  7. Fix: Malformed HTML in comments box area.
  8. Fix: PHP warning.
  9. Improvement: Added ‘Project Manager’ into projects admin column and renamed ‘Count’ to ‘Tasks’.
  10. Improvement: Added edit link for administrators on pages.
  11. Improvement: Context labels in alphabetical order.
  12. Improvement: Realtime comment count when deleting comments.
  13. Tweak: Icon consistency, replaced some icons.
  14. Tweak: Dark mode styles.
  15. Tweak: Comment box line-height for better text legibility.

v4.5.0 (20th March 2023)

  1. New feature: Pep Talk (Presentation settings).
  2. Fix: Issue of some unstyled text in email notifications.
  3. Fix: Minor presentation issue when managing sub-tasks in Task Groups.
  4. Improvement: wProject Health Check reliability.
  5. Improvement: Task relationship selector user interface when editing a task.
  6. Improvement: Minor presentation tweaks in email notifications.
  7. Improvement: Animation on project progress.
  8. Improvement: wProject admin dashboard organisation.
  9. Tweak: Truncated long project descriptions on the Projects page.
  10. Maintenance: Minor code refactor.

v4.4.2 (2nd March 2023)

  1. Fix: Prevent transfer of projects to a team member.

v4.4.1 (1st March 2023)

  1. Fix: Minor bug fix.

v4.4.0 (1st March 2023)

  1. Improvement: Added ability for project managers to transfer management of all their projects.

v4.3.1 (25th February 2023)

  1. Fix: Issue introduced in previous update that prevented users from seeing all Kanban board items.
  2. Improvement: New Kanban board filter to only show your own tasks.

v4.3.0 (24th February 2023)

  1. Fix: Issue where Gantt and Kanban were not honouring setting allowing clients to see task names.
  2. Fix: Issue where user profile images stopped generating sub sizes on upload.
  3. Fix: Deprecated function call replaced.
  4. Fix: Missing dark mode variable on account page.
  5. Improvement: A message is displayed when you attempt to create a task in a project that already has the same task name in it (this prevents you from accidentally adding the same task more than once in a project).

v4.2.2 (9th February 2023)

  1. Improvement: Task ID now links to task in WP Admin (when option is enabled, and when user is administrator).
  2. Fix: Broken admin styles for ‘Task Group’ post type.

v4.2.1 (7th February 2023)

  1. Fix: Minor presentation issue with sidebar icons when long text is present.
  2. Improvement: Added support for new feature in Contacts Pro 1.4.0.

v4.2.0 (2nd February 2023)

  1. Language: Turkish translation updates (thanks Bilal Koç!).

v4.1.0 (27th January 2023)

  1. Improvement: New Kanban board filter to show tasks that are currently recording time.

v4.0.1 (23rd January 2023)

  1. Fix: Issue with task end dates in the Kanban board.

v4.0.0 (20th January 2023)

  1. Improvement: New filter on the Projects page to show only projects you are managing (for project managers only).
  2. Improvement: Project managers have a new account setting to only show projects they are managing on the Projects page.
  3. Improvement: Access reports directly from the project edit page.
  4. Improvement: Prevent accidental light/dark mode switching by requiring a double click.
  5. Improvement: Kanban board improved design and user experience.
  6. Tweak: Currency symbol position is now honoured when creating or editing a project.
  7. Tweak: Updated all contextual help topics.
  8. Fix: Issue where Latest Activity heading was not displaying correctly on mobile devices.

v3.9.5 (19th January 2023)

  1. Fix: Issue where filter would not show blocked tasks.

v3.9.4 (19th January 2023)

  1. Fix: Issue where context labels would not show when editing a task.

v3.9.3 (19th January 2023)

  1. Minor tweak: Added CSS for admin notices.

v3.9.2 (19th January 2023)

  1. Fix: Minor bug that may have prevented users from requesting ownership of tasks (when option is enabled).

v3.9.1 (18th January 2023)

  1. Change: Added support for new Clients Pro plugin feature.
  2. Fix: Dark mode tweak on Projects page.
  3. Fix: Typo.

v3.9.0 (5th December 2022)

  1. Improvement: New setting to change the default comment order.
  2. Improvement: New setting to always show the comment dates.
  3. Improvement: Moved task details tab into first position.

v3.8.1 (5th December 2022)

  1. Critical Fix: Issue where theme would crash when upon initial set up.

v3.8.0 (1st December 2022)

  1. Fix: Issue where cancelling a delete confirmation on a task would change the task status radio button presentation.
  2. Change: Editing tasks is now forced on the front-end.
  3. Language: Italian translation updates (thanks Luca Alberto Deodati!).
  4. Tweaks: Misc presentation edits.

v3.7.1 (18th November 2022)

  1. Fix: Issue where the clear search button would not reset the contacts view.

v3.7.0 (17th November 2022)

  1. Tweak: Moved filters selection into the right pane.

v3.6.1 (17th November 2022)

  1. Fix: Issue where date format d/m/Y would throw an error when trying to display the task created date.

v3.6.0 (13th November 2022)

  1. Improvement: Significant improvement to filter tool on project pages.
  2. Improvement: Typing in the search bar now initially filters local results, pressing enter key returns global results.
  3. Tweak: Radio buttons can now be unselected with a double click.
  4. Fix: Issue where milestone count always displayed zero on project page.
  5. Tweak: Moved print button to top bar.
  6. Tweak: Misc UX and UI improvements.
  7. Language file: wproject.pot updated text strings.

v3.5.1 (11th November 2022)

  1. Fix: Presentation issue with Observer role.

v3.5.0 (8th November 2022)

  1. Improvement: Delete all files attached to the task with a single click.
  2. Improvement: Improved search results design.
  3. Language file: wproject.pot updated text strings.

v3.4.0 (4th November 2022)

  1. Tweak: Improved task filter UX, including new filter to quickly show all orphan tasks.
  2. Tweak: The ‘incomplete’ task filter now filters tasks that are incomplete, in progress, not started and on hold.
  3. Tweak: Display the project creation date (for new projects).
  4. Tweak: Display the task creation date.

v3.3.0 (31st October 2022)

  1. Fix: Misc PHP warnings.
  2. Fix: Improvements to some print styles.
  3. Tweak: Presentation improvements.

v3.2.1 (28th October 2022)

  1. Fix: PHP8 warning.

v3.2.0 (28th October 2022)

  1. Improvement: New setting to extend logged in session time.
  2. Improvement: Dashboard chart for project managers now uses charts.js (improved presentation).
  3. Improvement: Overhauled admin settings interface for better experience.

v3.1.3 (26th October 2022)

  1. Improvement: Added new maintenance function.

v3.1.2 (26th October 2022)

  1. Fix: Issue where task meta was being duplicated in database.
  2. Fix: Issue with task counts.

v3.1.1 (26th October 2022)

  1. Fix: Issue where deleting a project would not delete contained tasks.

v3.1.0 (25th October 2022)

  1. Improvement: Display the task initiator on task page.
  2. Tweak: Improved comments UX.
  3. Fix: Issue where task takeover form would show on unowned tasks.

v3.0.0 (14th October 2022)

  1. Improvement: Mark all messages as read.
  2. Improvement: Added support for Contacts Pro plugin.
  3. Improvement: Task takeover requests can now be performed by administrators.
  4. Improvement: Improved task takeover request email notification.
  5. Improvement: Users can delete their own comments.
  6. Improvement: Unowned tasks are no longer shown in the Latest Tasks list.
  7. Improvement: New switch to quickly toggle between dark and light modes.
  8. Tweak: Minor presentation tweaks.
  9. Tweak: Moved logout button to upper right icon group (desktop only).
  10. Tweak: Messages marked as read are now trashed in the backend (previously were drafted).
  11. Fix: Issue where project name and URL was not included in new task notifications.
  12. Fix: Issue where page links were visible in source code for client role (although client could not access the pages anyway).
  13. Fix: Several PHP8 warnings.
  14. Fix: Possible issue where My Follows list stopped working.
  15. Fix: Issue where tasks without a project in WP Admin would return a warning instead of empty string (PHP8).
  16. Fix: Issue with incorrect My Follows count under certain conditions.
  17. Fix: Issue where a warning would display on comments that belong to deleted users.
  18. Fix: Issue where drafted comments were included in Recent Comments list.
  19. Fix: Issue where email notification subject would render HTML special character instead of single quote.
  20. Fix: Fixed miscellaneous broken print styles.

v2.9.2 (11th August 2022)

  1. Tweak: Project name and link is now included in email notifications.

v2.9.1 (4th August 2022)

  1. Tweak: Added option for users to remove existing account photo.
  2. Tweak: Email notification design simplification in Outlook.

v2.9.0 (3rd August 2022)

  1. Tweak: Added context labels to Task Groups in admin.

v2.8.2 (3rd August 2022)

  1. Fix: Issue where notification wasn’t sent to project manager when completing a task in the Kanban board.
  2. Tweak: Email notification now honours the Sender name setting if used.

v2.8.1 (2nd August 2022)

  1. Fix: Issue where page comments setting was not being honoured.
  2. Fix: Issue where pages navigation items were not in alphabetical order.

v2.8.0 (2nd August 2022)

  1. Improvement: Added new notification setting to email project manager when a task is complete.
  2. Improvement: Show a front-end notification to project manager when a task is complete.
  3. Improvement: Added user option to limit how many front-end notifications are shown.

v2.7.0 (26 April 2022)

  1. Improvement: Added option for controlling which tasks are returned with relationships.

v2.6.4 (18 March 2022)

  1. Fix: Issue where user name was ‘nobody’ when claiming a task.

v2.6.3 (12 March 2022)

  1. Minor presentation tweaks.

v2.6.2 (26 February 2022)

  1. Fix: Avatar presentation issue on project pages.

v2.6.1 (25 January 2022)

  1. Improvement: Added option to hide the Pages menu item.
  2. Fix: Issue where project would prompt to extend deadline, before deadline.
  3. Fix: Print presentation on single task page.

v2.6.0 (18 January 2022)

  1. Fix: known issues related to PHP 8.
  2. Fix: minor dark mode issues.
  3. Fix: typo.
  4. Tweak: Minor presentation tweaks.
  5. Removed unreliable extended session duration setting.
  6. Updated PHP version check function on settings dashboard.

v2.5.2 (09 December 2021)

  1. Tweak: Minor edits for child theme support.

v2.5.1 (08 December 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where overdue warning would persist on completed tasks and projects.

v2.5.0 (04 December 2021)

  1. Improvement: Made some functions pluggable for better child theme support.
  2. Fix: Issue with long project list in main nav.
  3. Fix: Silent PHP warning in body tab on search results page.

v2.4.1 (22 November 2021)

  1. Fix: Minor PHP warning on project page if debugging is enabled.

v2.4.0 (22 November 2021)

  1. Improvement: Added ‘Copy link’ button on project and task pages.
  2. Improvement: New ‘Observer’ role (full oversight, read-only role on the front-end only).
  3. Tweak: Moved task description into tabs.
  4. Tweak: Removed ‘mood’.
  5. Fix: Issue where you could not dismiss notifications or un-follow tasks on project page.
  6. Fix: Only allow relevant roles from task ownership selector when creating a new project.
  7. Fix: Issue where project manager name would not show on project page.

v2.3.0 (16 November 2021)

  1. Improvement: Real-time counts when updating tasks on project pages.
  2. Fix: Issue where new project would not show in main nav under certain conditions.
  3. Fix: Task status selector in dark mode.
  4. Fix: Rare PHP warning on latest tasks.

v2.1.0 (9 November 2021)

  1. Improvement: New setting to extend login sessions.
  2. Tweak: Added node lines to comments.
  3. Tweak: Added comment link to comment date.
  4. Fix: Hidden PHP warning when unowned task appeared in Kanban board.

v2.0.1 (7 November 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where Project Manager could gain access to wProject settings.

v2.0.0 (7 November 2021)

  1. Improvement: New front-end toggle to show/hide left and right panes.
  2. Improvement: Added option to fade on-hold tasks.
  3. Improvement: New ‘Operator’ role (Operator can only edit wProject settings in back-end, also has no front-end access).
  4. Tweak: Improved pie chart legibility on dashboard.
  5. Tweak: Prevent task takeover while time is recording.
  6. Fix: Comment notification logic.
  7. Fix: Issue where un-owned task would show user avatar instead of the ghost avatar.
  8. Fix: Issue where comment status would not change when claiming an unowned task.
  9. Fix: Removed deprecated time variable from the Kanban board.
  10. Fix: Issue where date pickers would not show full year on smaller screen resolutions.

v1.9.3 (23 October 2021)

  1. Fix: Potential timer logic presentation issue.
  2. Fix: Issue where time would not show in the Projects page.

v1.9.2 (23 October 2021)

  1. Improvement: Italiano language update (with thanks to Luca Alberto Deodati).

v1.9.1 (22 October 2021)

  1. Tweak: Emphasis on task page when task is complete.
  2. Tweak: Greater emphasis on task when recording time is in progress (project page and dashboard).
  3. Tweak: The status of a task can no longer be changed while recording time on it.
  4. Fix: Added condition to only show avatar table row in comment notification if user has photo.
  5. Fix: Rare logic issue that occurred when starting and stopping time.

v1.9.0 (14 October 2021)

  1. Improvement: New notification option to email a user when someone replies to their comment.

v1.8.1 (14 October 2021)

  1. Fix: Radio button issue when editing/creating tasks.

v1.8.0 (13 October 2021)

  1. Improvement: Italiano language (with thanks to Luca Alberto Deodati).
  2. Improvement: New maintenance option to clean up read messages.
  3. Improvement: Users without a photo will now show avatar with initials.
  4. Tweak: User interface update to the status boxes.
  5. Tweak: User interface update for the projects dashboard panel.
  6. Tweak: Project Manager shows as part of the team (formally removed, now reverted).
  7. Tweak: Removed deprecated time functions.
  8. Tweak: Added cache buster for ajax script.
  9. Tweak: Misc presentation updates.
  10. Tweak: Prevent changing the task status to same current task status.
  11. Misc: Some code refactoring for performance improvement.
  12. Fix: Incorrect default client avatar in the Kanban board and task takeover interface.
  13. Fix: Administrators can now enable the dashboard projects panel.

v1.7.2 (07 October 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where context labels would not accept accented characters.
  2. Fix: Issue where editing task would remove task ownership, if setting was not enabled.
  3. Fix: Issue where overtime warning would appear when no setting value was specified.
  4. Fix: Issue that occurs when WordPress is installed in a sub-directory.
  5. Fix: Issue where context label colour picker would not work.

v1.7.1 (07 October 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where adding missed time would result in minutes and seconds instead of hours and minutes.

v1.7.0 (06 October 2021)

  1. Improvement: Added ability to manually enter time.
  2. Improvement: Redesign of the time user interface.
  3. Fix: Presentation issue with links in comments.
  4. Fix: Task comment privacy logic.

v1.6.3 (05 October 2021)

  1. Improvement: Complete redesign of the comment threads for easier readability.
  2. Fix: Small screen presentation on the All Projects page.
  3. Tweak: Minor UI improvements.

v1.6.2 (04 October 2021)

  1. Fix: Time presentation in project details pane.

v1.6.1 (04 October 2021)

  1. Fix: Logic issue that caused task page to break when Clients Pro plugin is deactivated.

v1.6.0 (04 October 2021)

  1. Improvement: New ‘Context Labels’ feature.
  2. Improvement: Allow pinning tasks owned by other users.
  3. Improvement: Several user interface / user experience improvements and fixes.
  4. Improvement: Several presentation improvements for mobile devices.
  5. Tweak: Clients Pro plugin v1.1.0 support.
  6. Fix: Issue where task would still show ‘x files’ label after all files were deleted.
  7. Fix: Reserved ‘status’ naming conflict.
  8. Fix: Issue where private task would report the opposite status.

v1.5.4 (30 September 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where GDPR plugin would break homepage rendering when not logged in.
  2. Fix: Issue where client avatar would not show in followed tasks list.
  3. Tweak: Minor presentation update.

v1.5.3 (28 September 2021)

  1. Tweak: Icon UI consistency.

v1.5.2 (28 September 2021)

  1. Fix: Onboarding issue.

v1.5.1 (24 September 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where dashboard tasks UI did not match internal page UI.
  2. Fix: Issue where team members could not view team and pages.
  3. Tweak: Moved ‘Hide team page’ setting to the ‘Permissions’ section.

v1.5.0 (24 September 2021)

  1. New Feature: Follow tasks (add tasks to favourites).
  2. Improvement: Highlighted tasks are now remembered.
  3. Improvement: Manage highlighted tasks from account bio.
  4. Tweak: Minor presentation fixes.
  5. Tweak: Moderate performance improvements.
  6. Fix: Incorrect use of translation strings for latest tasks time frame.

v1.4.0 [Major Update] (17 September 2021)


  1. Complete re-engineering of the time logging system.
  2. New option to limit team members to projects they are working on.
  3. New option to send user notification when creating a task for them.
  4. New option to add a message to the dashboard.
  5. New option to force users to upload a profile photo during onboarding process.
  6. New option to deny access to the team page.
  7. New option for response message position (Bottom full width).
  8. New option – System busy state – Presentation.
  9. New option to add spacing between tasks listed on project pages.
  10. Additional support for the Clients Pro plugin.
  11. Improved search results (returns pages, files and tasks).
  12. Client emphasis when viewing project team.
  13. Significant improvement to top navigation user experience.
  14. Notification messages can now be revived after being dismissed.
  15. Drop-down notifications can be dismissed faster and show an animation while working.
  16. Show an icon on a task if time is currently being recorded on it (task view).
  17. Indicate if a user is recording time on a task in (project view).
  18. Temporarily highlight tasks on project pages.


  1. Moved admin ‘Response message position’ into the ‘Presentation’ options.
  2. Removed some database calls to gain performance improvements.
  3. Presentation improvements to front-end and back-end.
  4. Added links on admin settings dashboard.
  5. Added admin quick update check button.
  6. Renamed ‘Google Hangouts’ to Google Meet’ on user account page.
  7. Updated logo.
  8. Removed ‘Logged time increments’ setting.
  9. Added more options for recent tasks on user account page.
  10. Moved logout button away from main navigation into lower left position.
  11. Project manager no longer shown among the team avatars on projects.
  12. Moved project name into right navigation when on project page.
  13. Upgraded theme updater framework.
  14. Added descriptions to widgets.
  15. Show comment counts.
  16. Updated Portuguese translation.


  1. Admin CSS cache-buster.
  2. Some minor presentation issues in dark mode.
  3. Inaccurate team member count on project page under certain conditions.
  4. Inaccurate ‘My latest tasks’ count on dashboard.
  5. Hide the ‘Create Task’ button on dashboard when users are not allowed to create tasks.
  6. Rare error message complaining about the project name when editing a project.
  7. Error when search results tried to return a project name.
  8. Issue where right pane could not overflow scroll.
  9. Issue where deleted task with time in progress would prevent user from recording time on a new task.
  10. Issue where links in comments would not wrap.
  11. Issue where WordPress would insert default widgets after fresh installation.
  12. Issue where ‘Completed projects navigation visibility’ settings was not being honoured under certain conditions.
  13. Issue where unowned task showed incorrect avatar (now shows a ghost avatar).
  14. Issue with status progress bar percentages.

v1.3.0 (16 August 2021)

  1. Improvement: New setting to change the left pane projects list presentation to a drop-down.
  2. Improvement: Complete support for Reports Pro plugin.
  3. Tweak: Right pane presentation.
  4. Fix: Issue with time recording that occurred under specific conditions.
  5. Fix: Issue where selecting which project to show a page on was not being honoured.
  6. Fix: Incorrect text domain on translation string.

v1.2.1 (26 July 2021)

  1. Improvement: Added support for wProject Chrome Extension.
  2. Language file update.

v1.2.0 (18 July 2021)

  1. Improvement: Added support for upcoming Reports Pro plugin.
  2. Improvement: Added ability to upload a login screen logo.
  3. Improvement: Added ability to upload favicon.
  4. Improvement: Added ability to delete task from task edit page.
  5. Improvement: Added response message position options.
  6. Improvement: Additional widget support for Dashboard, Page, Sidebar, Project page, Task page, Team page and Account page.
  7. Improvement: New options to customise email notifications sender name and email address.
  8. Tweak: New options to toggle task takeover email notifications.
  9. Fix: Changed default user avatar in email notifications to a PNG (for Outlook support).
  10. Fix: Issue where currency symbol position was not being honoured for the project info Budget value.
  11. Fix: Minor dark theme issue.
  12. Fix: Responsive logo issue.

v1.1.3 (18 May 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where page label was not being honoured in the left navigation.
  2. Fix: Issue where task relation explanation line breaks were not being honoured.
  3. Fix: Allow no task ownership when editing a task.
  4. Fix: Allow checking subtasks by anyone when the task has no owner.

v1.1.2 (06 May 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue whereproject names would overflow in the left nav.
  2. Improvement: Improvements to the wProject settings health check interface.

v1.1.1 (05 May 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where ‘clear dates’ button would not show on projects and tasks with existing dates.
  2. Fix: Issue where removing materials would not release the ‘Save Changes’ button when editing a project.

v1.1.0 (04 May 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where notifications were empty on project page.
  2. Improvement: Added button to clear start and end date fields when creating a task or project.
  3. Improvement: Show task % complete on Kanban cards.
  4. Improvement: Show milestone count in project details pane.
  5. Improvement: Show ‘Go to project’ link in right pane when editing a task.
  6. Improvement: New option to hide competed tasks when printing a project.
  7. Improvement: Consolidated print options into new admin Printing section.
  8. Improvement: New option: Do not include completed tasks when printing a project.
  9. Tweak: Minor presentation tweaks.

v1.0.0 (01 May 2021)

  1. Improvement: Added support for Gantt Pro plugin.
  2. Tweak: Tips only show on dashboard.
  3. Tweak: Change default user icon color.
  4. Fix: Issue where where completed task could break baked-in Gantt chart.
  5. Fix: Kanban issue where dragging task into ‘Complete’ column would not change task progress to 100%.
  6. Fix: Issue where marking task complete would not change task progress to 100%.
  7. Fix: Issue where marking task incomplete would not reset task progress to 0%.
  8. Fix: Issue where ‘complete’ label position moved on minimised complete tasks.
  9. Fix: Issue where deleting a project would leave some elements on the screen.
  10. Fix: Issue where start and end date labels would not show on mobile devices.

v0.9.1 (14 Apr 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where editing a task that has files would duplicate the files.
  2. Fix: Don’t show files tab when the task does not have files.
  3. Improvement: Added project name and link below task title on task page.
  4. Improvement: Minor dark mode fix.

v0.9.0 (13 Apr 2021)

  1. Improvement: New option to show or hide unfocused cards when using the Kanban filters.
  2. Improvement: New option to hide completed projects from the main navigation.
  3. Improvement: Improved tasks card layout on small screens.
  4. Improvement: Presentation tweaks.
  5. Fix: Issue where long task names could cover the task status button on small screens.

v0.8.4 (13 Apr 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where search results would redirect to homepage when running website in a sub directory.

v0.8.3 (11 Apr 2021)

  1. Improvement: Let project managers easily delete a selected project and associated tasks from the front-end.
  2. Improvement: New user interface to extend deadline when project is overdue.
  3. Improvement: Emphasise current project in navigation.
  4. Improvement: Team members can view a read-only view of the Kanban board.
  5. Fix: Issue with Edit button position when using the task filters on a project page.
  6. Fix: Conditional issue related to orphaned tasks.
  7. Fix: Minor presentation issue with budget on small screens.
  8. Fix: Minor presentation issue with Gantt minimise button in dark mode.

v0.8.2 (09 Apr 2021)

  1. Improvement: New presentation options for avatar styles.
  2. Improvement: Better utilisation of Kanban screen real-estate on 3K+ monitors.
  3. Improvement: Toggle Gantt visibility and remember status.
  4. Improvement: Significant improvements to iPad landscape experience.
  5. Fix: Added suitable message when attempting to edit a deleted project.

v0.8.1 (09 Apr 2021)

  1. Improvement: Added option to show description on Kanban cards.
  2. Improvement: Added emphasis on overdue tasks in the Kanban board.
  3. Improvement: Minor presentation tweak on small screens.
  4. Fix: Small screen issue where task title could not be read when changing task status.

v0.8.0 (07 Apr 2021)

  1. Improvement: Kanban board now works on mobile devices.
  2. Improvement: Quick toggle for direction of comments.

v0.7.0 (06 Apr 2021)

  1. Improvement: Real-time task count in Kanban columns.
  2. Improvement: Kanban comment filter.

v0.6.0 (05 Apr 2021)

  1. Improvement: Kanban board with drag and drop.
  2. Improvement: Project Status admin column in WP Admin.
  3. Fix: Icon presentation issue in the right side bar when creating new tasks.

v0.5.0 (24 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: New user option to minimise completed tasks.
  2. Improvement: Focus title input when arriving at the new task or new project page.
  3. Fix: Issue where completed tasks were not greyscale on mobile devices.

v0.4.1 (21 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Translation string issue on user profile pages.

v0.4.0 (21 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: New setting to allow users to claim ownership of unowned tasks.
  2. Improvement: Allow users to claim ownership of unowned tasks when option is enabled.
  3. Improvement: Allow creating unowned tasks.
  4. Fix: Added notice when creating a task when no projects have been created yet.
  5. Tweaks: Minor UI tweaks.

v0.3.4 (21 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where timer would not stop recording when completing all subtasks.

v0.3.3 (18 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: Significant improvement to task takeover email notification detail.
  2. Improvement: Email notification when task takeover decision has been made.
  3. Fix: Minor notification presentation tweak.

v0.3.2 (17 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: Send email notification to task owner upon task takeover request.
  2. Fix: Presentation issue in the task takeover choice prompt.
  3. Fix: Notification dropdown position.

v0.3.1 (14 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: Added ‘Projects’ and ‘Task Owner’ column into ‘task’ custom post type in admin.
  2. Improvement: Make ‘create task’ button a single click for team member role.
  3. Fix: Forced permalink structure to /%postname%/.
  4. Fix: Issue where new dashboard chart user option was missing for project managers.
  5. Fix: Issue where user could not update their email address from the account page.
  6. Fix: Issue where calendar link could not be disabled in wProject settings.
  7. Fix: Issue where team member could edit task or project if they had access to the direct URL.

v0.3.0 (13 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Fixed issue where new project would always include all task groups tasks.
  2. Tweak: Added credits section to the settings interface.

v0.2.9 (13 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: Added user option to show projects bar chart on dashboard (project managers only).
  2. Tweak: Admin settings is now responsive for small screens.
  3. Tweak: Moved Due Date to below Start Date on Gantt chart popover.
  4. Fix: Issue where new project drop-down showed all users instead of just project managers.

v0.2.8 (12 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: New option to enable/disable time tracking on tasks and projects.
  2. Improvement: Task descriptions now auto add anchors to URLs.
  3. Fix: Task descriptions now honour line breaks.
  4. Teak: Minor presentation tweak.

v0.2.7 (11 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: Added ability to make a page only show on a specified project.
  2. Fix: Issue with detecting PM role on settings icon.
  3. Fix: Minor typos and grammar.

v0.2.6 (10 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Removed task relationships options from task groups.
  2. Fix: New project page now forces ownership choice when applying a task group.

v0.2.5 (07 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where timer would not stop when completing all subtasks.
  2. Fix: Minor presentation issues.
  3. Tweak: Only show the admin settings icon on desktop.

v0.2.4 (06 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: When a task is complete, remove any overdue warnings.
  2. Improvement: Added more tap target area in main nav for small screens.
  3. Fix: Issue when changing a task status to complete, radio would change to ‘complete’ after denying confirmation.
  4. Fix: Issue when editing a task, adding/removing subtasks would not release the form submit button.
  5. Tweak: Inject translatable text into comments heading and button.
  6. Tweak: Added ‘required’ attribute to comment textarea.

v0.2.3 (05 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Removed completed subtasks from Gantt.

v0.2.2 (05 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: Option to reposition the Gantt popup.
  2. Improvement: Option to show subtasks in Gantt chart.

v0.2.1 (04 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where adding files to edited task would not release the submit button.
  2. Improvement: Added files view when editing a task.

v0.2.0 (04 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: Task Status UI interface.
  2. Improvement: Added ‘in progress’ option to task status.
  3. Improvement: Added settings icon into top nav.

v0.1.9 (03 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where task status radio button selection was not showing on task page.

v0.1.8 (03 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Translation string single/plural logic on dashboard.

v0.1.7 (03 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Missing Gantt translation strings.
  2. Fix: Gantt showing complete status when it was not complete.

v0.1.6 (02 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Milestone was not showing on task page (when enabled).
  2. Fix: Privacy was not showing on task page (when enabled).
  3. Improvement: Stylised checkboxes and radio buttons.

v0.1.5 (02 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue where task files would add empty entry into the database.
  2. Fix: Issue where manually updating time only worked with both hours and minute values.

v0.1.4 (02 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: My Latest Tasks and Projects I Manage not showing on small devices (dashboard).
  2. Fix: Some favicons not showing.
  3. Fix: Project team members (project page).
  4. Fix: Outstanding dark mode issues.
  5. Fix: Minor grammar.
  6. Fix: Timer animation size on IOS.
  7. Tweak: Moved logout into left pane.

v0.1.3 (02 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Translation string issues.

v0.1.2 (01 Mar 2021)

  1. Improvement: Dark mode.

v0.1.1 (01 Mar 2021)

  1. Fix: Issue related to page IDs.

v0.1 (28 Feb 2021)

  1. Initial beta release.