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Shady online practices that need to stop

Unfortunately many companies still employ practices that can range from mildly inconvenient to unapologetically obnoxious.

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Remembering when hackers stole from our savings account

A hard lesson learned about the importance of 2FA.

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Now more than ever, start using a password manager

I often forget what life was like before password managers were a thing.

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Stop wasting time updating the same text in Gravity Forms

Easily create and manage custom dynamic merge tags to use on any page, form, notification, confirmation or template.

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About wProject 5.8.0

The latest version of Project has bene released with some notable improvements.

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A quick guide to creating usable Gravity Forms entry reports using Entry Reports Pro

As anyone who uses Gravity Forms can testify, getting usable information from entries isn’t very helpful.

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Support for PHP 7 in wProject has ended

All software eventually becomes obsolete, PHP 8 is the future for now.

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Time matters: Why setting your timezone in WordPress is crucial

Is it a big deal? That depends, but here’s some reasons you should take it seriously.

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3rd party sites have been selling my software without my knowledge, and that’s perfectly fine

I discovered a legal yet undisclosed distribution of my software, accompanied by some morally ambiguous behaviour.

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Rocket Apps Now Accepts EFT Payments

Better late than never, Rocket Apps now accepts EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) as a payment option.

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