
wProject provides a range of access control permissions. These permissions are structured as follows:

Team Capability

Front-End Privileges

  • Creation of tasks
  • Assignment and reassignment of tasks to any team member
  • Requesting ownership of tasks from other users
  • Claiming ownership of tasks that are currently unowned

Team Project Access

Team project access

Dictates how team members can access projects on the front-end. It is essential to note that Project Managers and Administrators possess unrestricted access to all projects, irrespective of this setting.

  • Limited (Default): Team members are restricted to accessing only those projects in which they have active tasks.
  • Unlimited: Team members have access to all projects.

Project Managers Admin Access

Allow project managers access to the WordPress admin area

This authorisation permits Project Managers to access the WordPress admin area. In this capacity, Project Managers can effectively oversee user management and wProject settings. However, it’s important to note that they are not granted the authority to manage plugins.

Hide Team Page

Deny access to the team page

This option allows for the concealment of the team page, effectively denying access to it. Please be aware that these permissions can not be manipulated by third-party plugins.

Default Project Manager

If a user is deleted, any projects they were managing will be inherited by this user.

Note: In a rare situation where the default PM is also deleted, the projects will be assigned to the website administrator.